Journal of Educational Research : Announcements2022-07-06T16:55:50+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>Pakistan Journal of Educational Research (PJER) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, quarterly research journal and is published by Society for Social Sciences and Research Association. It was established in the year 2018. <strong>The Journal is presently recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan in the "Y" Category.</strong> Pakistan Journal of Educational Research (PJER) aims to be the principal medium for the dissemination of research in all aspects of education. The journal will be of primary interest to anyone involved in educational research and will offer many insights to scholars and researchers.</p> : Call for Papers (13th Issue)2022-07-06T16:55:50+00:00Pakistan Journal of Educational Research <p><u><strong>Quarterly </strong></u><u><strong>Research Journal<br /></strong></u></p> <p><u>Submit your papers till</u></p> <p>31st July-2022</p> <p>For details: <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <p>Email: <u><a href=""></a></u></p>2022-07-06T16:55:50+00:00 : Call for Paper (12th Issue)2022-04-16T19:35:23+00:00Pakistan Journal of Educational Research <p><strong>New Call for Paper ... !!!<br />The last date is 30th April.<br /></strong>Please note that sending your paper to more than one place at a time is unethical and illegal. PGIR has the authority to publish on its website the names of researchers who will perform this task.<br /><br /><img src="blob:" /></p>2022-04-16T19:35:23+00:00 : Call for Papers (10th Issue)2021-10-07T11:51:47+00:00Pakistan Journal of Educational Research <p> - Submit your papers till 20th Oct-2021</p>2021-10-07T11:51:47+00:00 : Call for Papers (9th Issue)2021-07-03T11:27:55+00:00Pakistan Journal of Educational Research <p><strong>Call for Papers (9th Issue)</strong><br /><strong>Open from 1st July to 15th July 2021</strong></p>2021-07-03T11:27:55+00:00 : The researchers of the following paper are requested to contact as soon as possible...!!!2021-05-17T14:00:49+00:00Pakistan Journal of Educational Research <p>Because of the website error and due to non-sending of names, emails, phone numbers from the following researchers along with their papers: researchers of these papers are requested to send an e-mail as soon as possible at (Please refer to this announcement as well in your email).</p> <p>1. 105 - Determinants of Willingness to Donate and Volunteer to Help their Poor Fellow Students in High Ranked University of Pakistan<br /><br />2. 108 - A Study of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Teachers at Secondary School level<br /><br />3. 140 - Is Neurolinguistic programming a Myth? A Review of NLP Studies<br /><br />4. 156 - ASSESSMENT PRACTICES IN FOUR YEARS TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS<br /><br />5. 159 - Review Paper to Discuss the Prospects Affecting Faculty Retention in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Pakistan<br /><br />6. 162 - ROLE-PLAY: Learning Experience through Enactment in Science Education<br /><br /> 7. 191 - Impact of Religious Beliefs and Social Support on Acculturative Stress: A case of International Students in United Kingdom</p> <p>8. 45 - ROLE OF TEACHER IN PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS AT SECONDARY LEVEL</p> <p>9. 61 - Is Neurolinguistic programming a Myth? A Review of NLP Studies</p> <p>10. 73 - Rethinking Role of Large Scale Assessment </p>2021-05-17T14:00:49+00:00 for Papers (8th Issue)2021-04-10T15:32:45+00:00Pakistan Journal of Educational Research <p>Pakistan Journal of EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH</p> <p><u><strong>Quarterly </strong></u><u><strong>Research Journal</strong></u></p> <p><strong>Call for Papers </strong><strong>(8</strong><strong>th</strong> <strong>Issue)</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><u>Submit your papers </u><u>till</u></p> <p>15th April-2021</p> <p><br />For details: <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <p>Email: <u><a href=""></a></u></p>2021-04-10T15:32:45+00:00